イーリー キシモトのエキシビジョン、9日まで。

2008年10月31日 18:54
【10月31日 MODE PRESS】ロンドンを拠点に活動する「イーリー キシモト(ELEY KISHIMOTO)」 が10 月30日~11月9日まで、東京・表参道のプレスルームで初のエキシビション「……



8日はH&M原宿がオープンってことで、原宿は大変なことになりそうですね。iPhoneの行列は渋谷方面に伸びたけど、今回は代々木方面が後ろになるんでしょうか? 某SNSのコミュニティによれば、現時点でもう並んでる人がいるんだとか・・・びっくり

私は今日だけで、ワンピ&お揃いのブラウス、半そでボレロジャケット、スカートと4着も買ってしまって、お財布がさみしいので考え中。。。よく考えたらコラボラインの実物、H&Mのはまだ見たことないのよね! カール・ラガーフェルドもステラ・マッカートニーも、ヴィクター&ロルフ、マドンナ、カイリー・ミノーグ・・・いつも私が日本にいるタイミングで発売なんだもんしょんぼり

以下は、10月7日に出された「コムデギャルソン エクスクルーシブコレクション フォー H&M」のプレスリリース。リリースによれば、日本での先行発売後、世界各国の200店舗でも13日より発売されるそうです。

It’s a thrilling coup for H&M. Debuting at H&M’s new Tokyo store on November 8th, then entering approximately 200 stores worldwide on November 13th will be a collection designed for H&M by Rei Kawakubo of Comme des Garçons. One of the most significant figures in modern fashion, Kawakubo has created a full men’s and women’s collection for H&M, complete with accessories and a unisex fragrance. The pieces all have the uncompromising Comme des Garçons spirit, yet will all be available at H&M’s brilliantly accessible prices.

“I thought it would be an exciting event to work with H&M in order to sell Comme des Garçons clothes in places where they have never been sold and to appeal to people who may not yet understand Comme des Garçons. Marrying the commercial expertise of H&M with Comme des Garçons creation was a fascinating challenge”, says Rei Kawakubo, Comme des Garçons.

“This collection really reflects Kawakubo’s creative spirit and integrity. It is complete with the designer’s trademark, independent style and clever cuts – elaborate tailoring, shirts, knits and a series of playful jersey pieces in dramatic black and midnight blue with accents of white and rose”, says H&M’s Creative Advisor Margareta van den Bosch.

Kawakubo is a designer who thrives on challenge and contradiction, and even though at the heart of her work is the desire to make something new, the result is consistently satisfying and surprisingly wearable clothes. It’s what has given her such a loyal following since she founded Comme des Garçons in 1969, and it’s what makes the collection for H&M such a treat. For women, one strong group of jackets and skirts play with deconstruction, resulting in an incredible pattern of seams, while another group has classic Comme des Garçons style boiled wool and gabardine pieces. Also in the collection is the perfect trench coat, beautifully cut shirts and jersey pieces bedecked in the signature Comme des Garçons’ polka dot. Finishing the look are polka dot weekend bags, slip-on canvas shoes, canvas lace-up shoes and a new version for H&M of Comme des Garçons’ celebrated wallets.

For men, suits and shirts have been cut on the bias, while other shirts use the typical Comme des Garçons’ patchwork techniques. There are more classic pieces too, like a double-breasted belted trench coat, a boiled wool pea coat and trousers, hand-drawn polka dot T-shirts and shirts as well as the famous Comme des Garçons’ classic shirt available in colours from black through blue and grey to white. Accessories include lace-up and slip-on canvas shoes and a hat and scarf.

COLOURS: Black, white, midnight blue, red, rose

FABRICS: Stretch wool, boiled wool, wool jersey, gabardine, cotton poplin, merino wool
