2022年7月30日、国際芸術祭「あいち2022」が開幕。常滑市内の焼きもの工場に囲まれた広場の会場では、インスタレーション「Kizuki-au 築き合う-Collaborative Constructions」がスタートしました。
On July 30, 2022, the International Art Festival “Aichi 2022” opened. The installation “Kizuki-au Tsukiage-Collaborative Constructions” started at a plaza surrounded by pottery factories in Tokoname City.
このプロジェクトは在日スイス大使館、スイス連邦工科大学チューリヒ(ETHチューリヒ)のGramazio Kohler (グラマツィオ・コーラー) 研究室、そして東京大学のT_ADS 小渕祐介研究室によるもの。このインスタレーションは、建築におけるデジタルプロセス、人とロボットとの協働、技術的・文化的相互作用を追求するスイスと日本の協働プロジェクトです。
The three-story wooden-framed building rethinks and realizes carpentry in the age of robotics, without the use of screws or other metal parts. Japan has a long tradition and knowledge of excellent wooden architecture. The reconstruction using Swiss design and digital technology promotes a new strategy to create a wooden skyscraper as a sustainable alternative to existing buildings made of concrete and steel.
The buildings are designed to withstand earthquakes and storms, and the tower-like structures enliven the surrounding neighborhoods and landscape. Wooden terraces, similar to Japanese porches, will serve as gathering places for local residents.
The gate welcomes visitors and also serves as an environmental device to regulate the temperature. When the water sprayed from the mist nozzles installed on the beams evaporates, the mist and the evaporative cooling effect of the ceramics are expected to cool the area around the gate by 4 – 5°C.
Although the ceramic brickwork appears random at first glance, it is actually created by a complex algorithm of repeated feedback between a human and a robot.